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a mural for Duke City BMX Arena, a City of Albuquerque facility
20' x 77'
@1011 Buena Vista Dr SE, Albuquerque
Funded by City of Albuquerque Public Art Program
Radical was commissioned by the City of Albuquerque Public Art Department through a program entitled “MuraLove.” The design was developed from analog drawings of international BMX racers that were assembled and colored within PhotoShop. To make an accurate grid at a massive scale, I printed a 1” : 1’ scale color output. With this visual map, my assistants and I used chalk snap lines to guide us through its 40-day production period. This mural required the use of a 19’ scissor lift, as well as the negotiation of mildly unstable concrete, wind and weather, and COVID-safety protocols.
Assistants: Natalie Sept and Nico Cifuentes

photos by Matt Oberer
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