@ Albuquerque, NM
From 2015 through 2019, I was the creative director of an ad hoc creative crew called the Unicorns. Together we created a series of Halloween spectacles that invited holiday celebrants to enter an altered world, sometimes around a theme most Halloween families would recognize. I worked to adapt construction practices to the limited knowledge of the Unicorns, providing education and encouragement as we ventured into projects that invariably mushroomed beyond our initial visions, and then settled down as they took shape. Many of the Unicorns studied Action Theater with Albuquerque actor, clown and artist Mindy Grossberg, and so each spectacle included an increasing number of performance elements. Some of the performances were staged within the installations; others cast actors in audience-interaction roles. Over the years, I had the privilege of seeing how hundreds of Halloween visitors would play with the open spaces we created. I drank deeply of the thrill of creating theater for a stream of five hundred kids and their families, out of nothing but cardboard, PVC, paint and ideas.
Yellow Submarine, 2019
Monsters and Mayhem, 2018
Unicorn Disco, 2018
Journey to the Center of the Earth, 2017
Alice in Wonderland, 2016
Star Wars Cantina, 2015