a mural at Expo New Mexico and the Downs Racetrack and Casino
7’ x 200’
@145 Louisiana Blvd NE, Albuquerque
Convened, organized and funded in part by Artful Life; hosted by Expo New Mexico and the Downs Racetrack and Casino; funded by the City of Albuquerque’s Urban Enhancement Division Public Art Department
What Is An Acceptable Number Of Traffic Deaths For My Family? Zero
?Cuántos Muertos De Tránsito Aceptarías En Tu Familia? !Yo Ninguno!
Albuquerque's International District community experiences a high rate of pedestrian and traffic fatalities and many groups came together to address one of the real challenges facing the neighborhood. This mural was therefore created through a process informed by the ID community and the visions of the Youth Artists who came together to imagine it. The purpose of the mural, in addition to creating a beautiful and meaningful work of public art, is to be a model for arts and community development model while mitigating traffic fatalities and increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for drivers and pedestrians.
The design of the mural emerged from a community engagement process, led by Artful Life, that involved a team of youth (ages 15-19) who live in the ID. Artful Life recruited 7 young residents of the ID to be involved in a team building process and create a community outreach plan. Teens worked with the lead mural artist, Andrew Fearnside, and project coordinator Jennifer Lucero.
Outreach included an online questionnaire, a hand-delivered questionnaire (to ID residents who live near the mural site), and several other kinds of neighborhood activities that allowed ID residents to share stories and ideas for the mural. After gathering input from residents, the teens and Andrew came up with a design.
Youth Artists: Daniel Wingert, Finnegan Douglass Parker, Jasmine Neely Garcia, Emely Seheon, Max Cremeens, Oliver Cremeens, Gabriela Gonzalez
Artists: Roxy Tocin, Will Geusz, Karen Cathey, Juan Cardiel, Davetta Wilson, Orchid Wilson, Leslie Blaustein, Chris Martinez, Gabriela Henner, Matt Bohnhoff, Niko Cifuentes, Matt Hopkins, Sarah Dewey, Gina Shorten, Zach Burke
Project Managers: Jen Lucero, Kathryn Fearnside, Mindy Grossberg

photos by Matt Oberer